Customize and manage check-in schedules to fit your organization’s needs.
Written By Connor Furby
Last updated About 1 month ago
First, head over to the ‘Program Groups’ section of the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.
Once there, you will notice all of your groups of mentees within your organization should appear here.
To adjust Check-in schedules within that group, select a group by clicking on the arrow near the right side of that group’s section. This will show more details about the group.
You can click on a specific existing Check-in name to adjust its details. Or you can also click ‘Add Check-in’ near the bottom left of the section to start a new one.
Here, you can change the type of check-in, which days the check-in appears, how often it repeats, what time it is available, the time-zone it is available in, and if it is mandatory or not. Once you have finalized all the details, click ‘Save check-in’ or ‘Create check-in’. Remember, you can always go back and edit check-ins.