Step-by-step instructions for completing your check-ins effectively and on time.
Written By Connor Furby
Last updated About 1 month ago
Once logged in as a mentor, you will arrive at the Dashboard section of the app. Near the top of the dashboard, you will see all of the check-ins you have completed recently, but more importantly, at the top of that list, you will see check-ins you need to complete. Check-ins you still haven’t completed will be signified with the orange ‘Start’ button on the right side of that check-in card and the timer with the amount of time left to complete the check-in.
To start a check-in, press the orange ‘Start’ button.
You will be taken to the welcome screen of that check-in, where a friendly message or description of the check-in will be waiting for you, as well as an approximation of the time it will take you to complete.
Select ‘Begin’ to start answering questions.
Different questions will offer various ways to capture your feedback or thoughts. You can navigate through other questions using the ‘Next button’ after completing a question or using the forward and backward arrows at the bottom right of the screen.
Some questions will ask you to rate something on a scale of 1-10, where you will highlight several circles based on your answer of 1-10. Others will require you to type feedback in a text box or select one or more pre-set options.
Once you have reached the end of the check-in and are satisfied with your answers, click the orange ‘Submit’ button at the end to send your answers to whoever assigned your check-in. Remember, you can always navigate back questions to review your answers using the arrows on the bottom right of the screen.
When you click submit, you will see a loading screen signifying your check-in is being processed and sent to your mentors. Please do not navigate away from this screen.
When your check-in has been successfully submitted, this notification will pop up at the top right of your screen, and you will be redirected back to the dashboard. Congratulations on submitting a check-in!