Tips and best practices to get the most out of one-on-one intervention meetings with your mentees.
Written By Connor Furby
Last updated About 1 month ago
Step 1: Generate a Discussion Agenda Report
Owners and mentors can access the Summary Generator feature and its powerful outputs. Scroll to the Dashboard’s Summary Generator section and click ‘Choose Report’ to get started.
Once the report generator screen has been accessed, you can scroll down to view your saved agendas and impact reports if you have any. Navigate to either one by clicking either ‘Saved Agendas’ or ‘Impact Reports’ within the ‘Saved Reports’ section and scroll through all your saved agendas.
At the top of the screen is the option to create a new report. To do this, you must select individual mentees or groups you want to include in the report. In this case, you would consist of those attending your intervention meeting. You can switch between mentees and groups using the selected tabs or search for names.
Once you’ve selected the mentees and/or groups you’d like to include in the report, click the ‘Next’ button to pick the date range you would like to include. Select from preset date ranges using the ‘Select date range’ button on the right side, or make a custom date range by clicking on ‘Select range’ on the left. The report will only consider check-ins between and including these dates.
Finally, after selecting your date range and clicking next, you can create a ‘Mee’ing Agenda Discussion’ to structure your discussion. This option on the left side differs from the Narrative Impact Report, which is more focused on program statistics. You can click the checkbox that says ‘De-identify report names’ to see the report with no specific mentor names. Once ready, select ‘Generate Agenda’ or ‘Gen’rate Report’ to’see ‘Z-AI come to li’e!
Review your mentee’s Wins, Challenges, and Recommendations from this Meeting Agenda before the intervention meeting begins.
Once you generate an agenda, you will be taken to a popup where text will start to stream out with your report. You can choose to stop generating or retry generating during generation.
Once done, make sure to leave feedback at the bottom using the text box or thumbs-up/down icons. You can also refresh your suggestions using the button at the bottom.
Now you have generated a Longitudinal Narrative Report!
Step 2: Discover Mentee Data Trends & Review Raw Check-ins
To further your insights into your mentee(s) before your intervention meeting, navigate to the ‘Data Insights’ view using the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.
When you first arrive, your screen may or may not be populated with data from mentee check-ins. If not, that’s okay! That means your mentees have completed any check-ins, or you will not need to expand your filters.
Notice that near the top of the screen, there are two different options to filter data, as shown in the data insights view.
On the left side, start by clicking the dropdown that says ‘Please select group or member,’ then select the mentee (s) attending your intervention meeting.
Next, pick the range of dates you would like to use check-in data from using the selector on the top right side of the screen. Click on the right side of this section to change to a preset selection of dates or on the left side to choose a specific window of dates using a calendar.
Once you have selected your filter property, it’s time to check out the data! Focusing on the insights at the center of the screen, you will see two core graphs: Communication and Mood. These graphs are unique because they generate scores based on the volume of communication (in characters) or sentiment expressed and organize them by check-in date to show a mural of progress and engagement.
Want to learn more about a specific data point? The best thing to do is to head to the source to know why a mentee may have chosen a lack of communication or had a negative sentiment in a check-in. Try clicking on a specific data point on either of these graphs to learn more.
When you click on any data point, a popup screen shows check-in responses for that date. If more than one check-in was responded to that day, each check-in will be organized into a dropdown. Try clicking on a dropdown to learn more about that check-in.
If there was only one check-in for that date, or you clicked on the dropdown, you will now see specific responses for the check-in within this view, so you can pinpoint what was going on on this day.
Remember to double-check AI-generated reports with raw check-in details to confirm or better understand where the mentee is.