Manage mentor-mentee pairings effectively throughout the program.
Written By Connor Furby
Last updated About 1 month ago
To Match with Mentees:
As a mentor, first, navigate to the ‘Mentor Match’ section of the navigation bar on the left.
Once in the Mentor Match view, you will see an eyeglass icon that says ‘Find a match.’. Click here to get started.
Here, you will complete a baseline survey to receive personalized match results. Click ‘begin’ to get started.
Answer each question in the form to the best of your ability. These answers will help us determine the best mentees for you to match. Once each question has been answered, click the ‘Next’ button. You can always navigate between questions using the forward and backward arrows on the bottom right of the screen.
Finally, when you are satisfied with your answers, click the ‘Get matched up!’ button at the end of the survey!
You will be navigated back to the Mentor Match view when the check-in has been processed. You will now see your screen populated with potential mentors to match with! Try inviting mentees with whom you are likelier to be a match by clicking ‘Invite to match’ under a mentee profile.
After clicking invite to match, you can select a group to invite them to within your organization. Make sure to ask them to the correct group! After selecting a group, the mentee will receive an e-mail inviting them to match with you.
To Unmatch a Mentee:
As a mentor, navigate to the ‘Program Groups’ button on the navigation bar on the left side of the screen.
Once there, you will see all of your groups of mentees. Select the group with the mentee(s) you would like to manage by clicking the dropdown arrow on the right side of the corresponding group card.
You will now see all of the details of that program group, including any check-ins and options to change members.
An ‘Actions’ option is near the bottom right of the dropdown. Start by hovering on Actions, then click ‘Manage Members’ to adjust mentees within your group.
Now, you will see all of the mentees that are a part of your selected group.
To remove a mentee, hover over the three dots on the right side of that mentee’s row in the table and click ‘Remove member from the gro’p.p.’
The mentee will now become inactive within your group.